LoVe QuoTeS...

A bell is no bell ’til you ring it, A song is
no song ’til you sing it, And love in your heart ..Wasn’t put there to stay
-Love isn’t love, ‘Til you give it away. ~Oscar

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chikenPox in da house!!!! :P

Friday, December 3, 2010

how my career get started... :) ~chapter 12~

Hello Friends,

For your information, next week i'm gonna start my shift and answering calls from user. hmm..I felt kinda nervous, but i think, i will get used to it. Actually,I'd another 2 job options, which is much related to my previous studies. But i think, its better if i end up this contract and get the working experience first, then only find out other job. ;)

Everything goes well, except one thing. I think, i need to take my car with me as i felt hard to go out. So, everytime i need to shop something, i can buy it myself and dont have to waiting for someone to offer me. hmm...but one more thing to bout the car expenses. Oh maann...this matter is really buzzing my head. Nevermind..i will try to figure this out later.

So, here i am.... waiting for the contract to be finished....haha...i've another 11 months to go. Hope everything is fine until end of the next year...ameen~

'til be continued........................


Sofia :)