LoVe QuoTeS...

A bell is no bell ’til you ring it, A song is
no song ’til you sing it, And love in your heart ..Wasn’t put there to stay
-Love isn’t love, ‘Til you give it away. ~Oscar

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chikenPox in da house!!!! :P

Saturday, January 3, 2009

sabtu 3/01/2009 11.56pm

alop to all my fwen....heeeee....

ari ni ak bcdg nk blek smpai mlm ak still kt umah.hahhaa (mls n blek siod.hoho). tuh ttbe mak ak ajk intai2 jj bru AU tu....hehee...
Ak pon join la skalik..ohoo..bsau beb..syok of coz la x leyh chellen OU. ohoo

da tu.....sopin dr pg smpai ptg...bukan sopin ape pon..ape y xpena tgk...ktorg pon bli.ehee..
klo care sopin cenggini...jutawan pon boleyh bankrup try dis at home. ahahahahhaa!!:P

da lps tu...ttbe rse prot lapa beb.ak xmkn dr pg...dlm pkul 3 tu...mak ak pon blnje ktrog mkn kenny rogers...hehehe...sedap dow. ak amek ayam quarter gn 2 buah...1 sayo.n muffinnye...banana.yummie...yummiee!!!! =P~

dah tu....ktorg rse mcm xnk blek lg..ohohhoo.sbb da tbiase pg sopin pagi blek mlm..
so adek ak cdgkn utk tgk movie histeria...
mule2 mak ak berbelah bhg...hahha...pastu ak konvinsekan ktorg dr jj AU trus ke OU. (ahahahaa! klo bab sopin2 neh, mak ak boleyh dikasik award beb.hahaa...datukship.ohoho).

da smpai kt OU tu...jenoh gkla cri parkin.mne xnye...tgh ptg mse tuh.parkin pnoh beb.oho..
cri2...alhamdulillah dpt. then trus je ktorg pg mnunaikan hajat utame ktorg...iaitu...tonton histeria.hehhehee.....
ktorg smpai2 je....da 5.20....brato2...da pkul 5.30...n las movie histeria kol 5.30.hahhahaa!!!
tpksela ktorg duk dpn skalik....lguh la tengkok...nyahahaa....
sperti y telah diramal....ktorg duk dpn skali...ktorg je....3 eko kt depn..ohoho...baris ktorg xde org lain slain ktorg..ohohohohoooo...siap boleyh baring2 lg kt dpn tuh...
mak ak da siap tgl kasot buat cam rumah snirik da...ahhahahahaaa...
sabau jela....ohhooo.....

ermmmm...1st tyme ak tgk mak ak tgk criter seram2..AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!
lawak je.....nyahhahaa....tutop2 muke..elokla...ak tutop tlinge...die tutop mte..hahahahaaa!!
ernnn....histeria bes ak ske lg citer 4bia. (kan qila kan?hehe...midnite lg tu kte tgk kan qila.hehehee.i ingt lg..lps kls teori elektromagnetik,trus serbu mid,tgk wyg.hehe :D ).

haaa.....da bis tu....ktorg pon mkn dinner kt food court.heheee...ak mkn sizzling yee mee black makcik tu kdekot dow...ayam letak 2 ktol kcik jek...n sparo cndawan itam...utk bwat syarat je.kdekooowtnyewwwww!!! ohohhoo...
da knyang2 tuh...ktorg pon blek la ruma...ehehehe......

tu jela kisah utok ari nie.....bes jln2 ngn fmily neh...jimat duit...sume ditanggunG....
hehehhee :D :P
k la...sok ak nk blek asrma .huhuhuhuu... be continue.....hehehe...salam~