1st skali ak nk bg salam...
assalamualaikum sume.......jwb....jgn xjwb..hohoho :P
haaaaaa......ari ni 1st of january 2009....
mst ramai y mnyimpan hajat...xkesahla hajat kecik ke besau. hahaa...[bkn buang hajat ye.huhu]
ak ber'arap korg sume dpt menunaikan ajat korg tu dgn sempurne pd thun bru neh..hehee...
hmmm.....taptup-taptup...dah 22 da ak thun neh...huhuu...dah tue dah aku....tp hati mude.hehe!
klo mak ak..baye ak da kawen da pon..hohoo...tp ak xnk la kawen..hehee...
xabis blaja lg beb. byk mende y ak nk bwat dlm idop ni....hehe...bak kate org....bru mngenal dunie la ktekan...
antrenye...of coz nk dptkan degree... and ..masak..hahaaa...ak kne master dlu la masak...hahaa..
stakat goreng2,pasta,puding jgung...cenggitu ak taula nk masak..
tp klo curry...nsik minyak..kurma....hohhoooo.....ntah rumput2 pe tah[herbs] mak ak letak dlm tu...sdp beb die buat.hohooo.....nnt nk sro die mnurun ilmu la...hehehee... :P
ernnnnnn......smlm ak blek umah dr hostel. masyAllah...jammmmmm nyeww!!!!! sakit otak tgk byk sgt keter even kt highway pon jammm...wuuuwuwuuuuu.....
tp apekan daye....tpksela rempoh gk...coz 31/12 ma mom nye bufday.hohoooooo...
so biasenye ktorg adekan jmuan skit kt umah...sume fmily y ade kt sini pon dtg mkn2...
smpai pg..n trus je ktorg smbut new yer kt umah...
huhuuuuuu.....tu pasal ak jrg sgt clbrte kt lua...sdey gak.huhu...tp sav bajet beb! mkn kt umah lg bes.hehhehheh :D
ernn....dah mkn2 tu...sume org pon blik la umah msing2....then cm biase...bsuh2 pinggan...tdoo..
huuuuu....ak xtau nk blik hostel ble neh....coz sbtu till mondy fmily ak nk anta adek ak blik asrma.tp monday ak ad kls.wuwuwuuwuuu........bebelah bhgi hati neh.hahaha...mule la tepikir nk memonteng.hehehehhee :D tp klo ak ponteng.....alamat blur la ak ape c saad tu ngajo nnt.hahaa..
ernnn...nnt ak pk lg...ble nk blik.huhuhuu.....
azam baru......nk kate.....mmg byk sgt...hohohooo....
antrenye...nk dpt cgpa atas 3 la...wuwuwuu...cm impossible je.uhuhu..
lg...ak nk berat ideal..cm ak ckp aritu...55-60 je...
then...ak nk blajo msk gn mak ak...hohooo.....
ape lg yeh....byk sgt y ak nak...tp ble nk list down....lupe sume lak.hoohooooo....
owh ye....jodoh...ak tawakal je..hehhehh...maleyh nk crik skg..ohoohoo..
ern.....xingat da..huhuu...
tp ntah ler ....slalunye stakat azam je...hohoo...susa nk kesampaian..
papepon....ak try laa capai ape y xcapai.hhohohohooooo :P
ernnn.......taptup-taptup.....da almost 3 thun da ak kt um...huhuuu...
tgl sthun stgh je nk perabis sume2 neh.hohohooo.....kejapnye mse berlalu...huhuu
2010 da grad..insyAllah arap2 lps on tyme...klo x...nangis melalak la ak sorg2.wuwuwuuu...
tu jela ak nk kate untok thun baru neh.....
arap2 thun baru neh diberkati oleh-Nya.amin~
About Me
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
ciao 2008........wassup 2009!!!!! khamis 1/1/2009 10.46am
Posted by chikenPox at 6:09:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
rabu 31/12/2008 12.17am
ari ni 1st kuliah ak.....rse ngntok dan lapa y tramat sgt...
coz mlm smlm ak tido pkol 6pg...sbb xleyh tido.huhuhuu....
dah pkul 6 tu....ak pon smyg subo...then tido smpai 8.30.hohoo...
ak kunci jam pkul 8....tp ntah knape bgun2 npk jam pkul 8.30.
kelam-kabut gk la ak siap2 ...sebbek sempat beb.hhohoho..mandi xpres...
dh mandi tuh....ak bersiap2 utok ke kls.....
owh owh.....sblom tu....ad pg dafta subjek dlu...then bru pg kls..
ermmm....kls y ak amek neh kls repeat.heheee...segan ak ...
da la repet...dtg lmbat plak..hohohoo :P
sebbekla lecturer ak tuh pnh aja ak gk dlu...hohohoo....
idola ak tuh......huhuhu....lega rse die y aja.....klo lcturer y lps aja...abisla ak...repet lg subjek y sme.huhuhuhuu.....ntah nk kne smpai 20 kali repet kot bru lps...hohoho....
dah tu.......kls ptg lak.....
hohohoo.....lecturer y samer aja ak..haha...syoknyew!hehehe....
tpksela ak jumpe die 6 jam 1 minggu....hoho...mst die da apal muke ak neh....muke repeat.hahha
xpela...jnji ak bhgie...die pon bhgie dpt duit gaji aja ak...nyahahhaaa... :D
ernnnnn......ak xmkn brekfas n lunch 1 ari suntok....hoho...smpai petang.....kubulorrrrr beeeb!
jgn dibuat main.hahaha!! kls las skali tu pkul 2 ptg.....da lps brpe minit tu...ngntok teramat....
lecturer xsmpai2...pe gi...ktorg sume pon chow~
dah tu smpai kolej....xthnnye perot gn mate.ak pon makan....pastu trus dibuai mimpi(pdehal xmimpi pon.agagaggaa :p). lwt ptg tjge....ak pon klu joggin...bosan lak rse terperap dlm blik.hoho.
ble mlm pulak....rse nk mkn roti bomm.ak pgla kdai amjal.alaaaa....y kt corner dpn um tu...
ak tlupela plak mne tah ak cmpk kad matrix.hoho...mntang2 tak exm lg...men cmpak rata2 je kad mtrix.tyme nk exm bru cari.ohooo...haaaa...nk kua pakguard kt um neh dah stret tau.
kua msuk kne tunjok kad.ak ilang la plak..so ak ngn c yana neh parkin la kte sblh pondok pakguard...jln kaki ke amjal..
ttbe sesuda smpai tuh...hajat xkesmpaian.hohhoo...sume roti da bungkus mau balik.hadooooi!!
so ktorg pon mkn nsi gorang biase je...dah tu....singgah 3rd college lak....ahaaaaa....sebbek ad roti bomm.hehehe..ngidam beb.ak pon bli 2 keping.ni xmkn lg neh.ak nk smpan esok.arap2 xbasi.
klo xkemponan la cheq.hohhoo..ngidam lbey dr akak ak y tgh ngndong.huhuhuu....
ermmmm....sok besday ma mom. lps kls sok trus ak blik umah nk smbut.ahaa...tp adiah ak blom beli lg.hadoi.skrg tgh sengkek coz bantuan kewangan blom smpai lg.hohho.. :P
nntla ak korek memane duit...ataupon...adiah ditunde.hahaha.... :D
ernnnnn......itula al-kisah bermulenye sem baru...
nnt smbung lg.
Posted by chikenPox at 7:52:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
ahad 28/12/2008 11.39am
ernnnnnnnnnnn......blog me y kedue plak..heheehe... :P
salam to all ma fwenz.hehe..happie neu yer!!!! :D
ari ni ari ahad.....sok da msuk thun baru islam...mst ramai y jln2 kan esok?heeee...
pagi ni me pg joggin kt ttwangsse..hehe..mom n dada pon pg skali...me joggin 2 round...pastu da pancit.hehe.
ernnnnn....ari ni xjd nk balik kolej coz seat-belt kt blkg kreta ak blm psg lg..hohohoo....
kne psg dlu...karang xpsl2 rm300 mlayang..kne dende..hehehe..
so...skrg ni bru blik dr joggin...jap lg pas zohor me n fmili nk p care4...bli stock keperluan mse kt kolej nnt.hohohooo....owh owh...lupe lak...gn brg adek skali...die pon nk msuk asrma blik 5/01/09 nnt..huhuuu....
haaaa....akak ak plak...da lme xjumpe die.huhuhuhu....rindu plak rse...die pg becuti gn suami die kt joho.kmpong belah husben die. lame la pulak die becuti..huhuhuu...da agak smiggu gk la xnpk muke die.huhu....arap2 baby sehat ye. heheee...
ern.....rse mls lak nk packin brg2 neh.nk bwk ala kada jela blik kolej ni nnt. mcm ma rum8....bwk brg2 asas untok idop je.. hehehe... sblm ni ak bwk brg blik kolej mcm nk pndah rumah untok slamenye.hohohooo....sume ak bwk...nasseb dinding xleyh bwk skali. klo x mmg ak bwk skali blik kolej.hohoho....:P
hmmmm.......ttbe rse mcm nk msk spagetti bwk kolej.da lme xmsk spagetti.hehehe...ntah ingat ke x...xtaula..huuhuhuu...haaaaa.....kpd sida n capa.....naaaaakkk tgkkkk WGM!!!! hehehhehehe...nnt nk pg blik korg yeh...amek WGM.agagaggaaga :D
biaselaaa.....b4 stat test n assignmen sume2 tuh...ktorg akan tgk mobie smpai lebam bjik mate.hehhehehe....bru besemangat skit nk mule sem baru beb. hehehe :P
aaaaa......ape lg yeh nk ckp....hmmm......LI!!! tkot la plak nk wat LI nnt..ktorg dak2 tele akan buat LI lps sem y ke-6 akan dtg nie.huhuhuhuu...arap2 dpt.klo xdpt...alamat nangis kua air mte darah la ak...wuwuuuuuwuwuwuuuwuuuu... T_T
hmmmmm........tu je la cite tuk ari nie....jap lg nk smbung packin..hohohooo.....
10 ari 10 mlm ak packin xabis2..taptup tgk2 da 10 beg packin.hadoi hadoi hadoi....
kematu tgn ak bwk beg berat2 neh.hohohoo.....
k ah....nk mandi sat.hehhehee.....sok smbung lg...
adios!!!!! muahhhhx
Posted by chikenPox at 7:17:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 26, 2008
sabtu 27/12/2008 10.02am
ari ni ari sabtu.....hahaa...mcm budak dajah 1 lak ak mgarang.hohoohoo....
mule2...nk bg salam dlu..assalamualaikum semua...hehe..
oo..ari ni ari sabtu.slalunye ak joggin ngn bpa ku.tp die x kjot kan aku..huhuuhuu...sdih..
myb ade mende len kot y die nk buat.xpela.
soo...ari ni ak kne packin sume2 brg ak coz tomoro da nk chow balik asrama...huhuuhu...sdih lg..
akan bermulela sem baru y penuh dgn penyiksaan jiwa.hohohooo...
ak xtaula ak dpt kolej ke x..coz kunci bilik ari tu ak xpulngkan..huhuu...
tkotla plak nnt ttbe die kte bilek da ksik org..
tp papepon.....ak tawakal jek..hehheh..klo die xnk ksi bilik...tpksela ak mrempat kt memne..huhu
asnie....tompang yeh klo ak xdpt blik...agaggaa.. :))
yana pon boleyh...hehehe...lily,sara gan shau pon boleyh la ek..hehe..
qila pown..hehe...tpsela i sewa bilik kt umah u.....klo i xdpt kolej...wuwuwuwuuwuuuuu...
tersebutlah al-kisah hidupku y akan bermula mulai 30/12/2008...hohooooo....
semeter yang ke 6...thun 3..hohooo.....
ermmmmmm....nk kate pasal azam lak...ak brazam nk slim kn bdn smpai dpt berat ideal...55-60.hehehee....owh..owh..lupe lak. of course nk dpt pointer 3.5!!!!! huhuhuhuu....angan2 ku ckup tinggi kan?hohohoho...nk dpt pointer 3 pon cm nk tercirit dah.hohohohoo...tp papepon...Allah SWT maha berkuase. ak tawakal je. ari2 ku penoh dgn tawakal. hahaaa :)) jnjji ak bhgie suda..hehheh...
ermmmmm....kpd kakwan....baik2 jge baby ye..hehe...mkn bia ckop sume..kasi baby makan susu..buah...sayoo..daging..bia baby sehat ye. cm untie die ni ha...hohohooo...terlebih sehat.ngeee.
errrrr....ape lagi aaa nk ckp.hmmmm....nk bg ucapan jela...
kpd member2 y bakal msuk blik 'u' tuh..gudluck lah ye mengharungi test,assignmen n exm...hohooo.arap2 kite same2 dpt pointer mantap2. amiiin.
k ah....ni blog ak y petame.haha...nnt smbung lg..
chow bebeh..... :-*
Posted by chikenPox at 5:43:00 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
makna ejaan pada nama.ohoho ;)
Cuba eja nama anda. Kemudian lihat siapa anda jika mengikut firasat di bawah ini:
A - anda boleh jadi terlalu pendiam bila sesuatu ada dalam fikiran anda.
B - anda selalu berwaspada bila bertemu kenalan baru.
C - anda ada kelebihan, jangan malu mempamerkannya.
D - anda ada masalah dalam mempercayai orang lain.
E - anda sentiasa seorang yang exited (ghairah).
F - semua orang menyayangi anda.
G - anda ada cara sendiri untuk menilai manusia.
H - anda bukan seorang judgmental, kurang otak keadilan.
I - anda mudah senyum dan boleh membuat orang lain senyum.
J - anda seorang yang cemburu.
K - anda suka mencuba perkara-perkara baru.
L - anda sangat percaya dengan cinta dan mudah tenggelam ke dalamnya.
M - kejayaan mudah datang kepada anda.
N - anda suka bekerja, tapi selalu mahukan kerehatan.
O - anda seorang yang berfikiran terbuka.
P - anda seorang yang mudah berkawan dan mudah memahami.
Q - anda seorang hipokrit.
R - anda seorang yang gemar social.
S - anda sangat broad-minded (fikiran terbuka).
T - anda ada sikap canggih, amat canggih.
U - anda merasakan anda ada ciri-ciri istimewa setanding dengan orang lain.
V - fizikal anda baik sekali.
W - anda suka menyendiri.
X - anda tak akan benarkan orang bagitahu apa yang patut anda buat.
Y - anda selalu penyebab pada banyak masalah.
Z - anda selalu bergaduh dengan seseorang.
W - anda suka menyendiri.
A - anda boleh jadi terlalu pendiam bila sesuatu ada dalam fikiran anda.
N - anda suka bekerja, tapi selalu mahukan kerehatan.
E - anda sentiasa seorang yang exited (ghairah).
H - anda bukan seorang judgmental, kurang otak keadilan.
S - anda sangat broad-minded (fikiran terbuka).
A - anda boleh jadi terlalu pendiam bila sesuatu ada dalam fikiran anda.
N - anda suka bekerja, tapi selalu mahukan kerehatan.
S - anda sangat broad-minded (fikiran terbuka).
O - anda seorang yang berfikiran terbuka.
F - semua orang menyayangi anda.
I - anda mudah senyum dan boleh membuat orang lain senyum.
A - anda boleh jadi terlalu pendiam bila sesuatu ada dalam fikiran anda.
Posted by chikenPox at 5:51:00 PM 0 comments
luv d song n d lric oso!! ;)
Where you from, how's it going?
I know you
Got a clue, what you doing?
You can play brand new to
All the other chicks out here
But I know what you are
What you are, baby
Look at you
Gettin' more than just a re-up
Baby you
Got all the puppets with their strings up
Fakin' like a good one
But I call 'em like I see 'em
I know what you are
What you are, baby
Womanizer, woman-womanizer
You're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh
You're a womanizer, baby
You, you, you are
You, you, you are
Womanizer, womanizer
Boy don't try to front, uh, I
Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
Boy don't try to front, uh, I
Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
You got me going
You're oh so charming
But I can't do it
You womanizer
Boy don't try to front, uh, I
Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
Boy don't try to front, uh, I
Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
You say I'm crazy
I got you crazy
You're nothing but a
You got the swagger of a champion
Too bad for you
You just can't find the right companion
I guess when you have one too many
Makes it hard, it could be easy
Who you are
That's just who you are, baby
Must mistake me, you're the sucker
To think that I
Would be a victim, not another
Say it, play it, how you wanna?
But no way I'm ever gonna
Fall for you
Never you, baby
Womanizer, woman-womanizer
You're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh
You're a womanizer, baby
You, you, you are
You, you, you are
Womanizer, womanizer
Boy don't try to front, uh, I
Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
Boy don't try to front, uh, I
Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
You got me going
You're oh so charming
But I can't do it
You womanizer
Boy don't try to front, uh, I
Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
Boy don't try to front, uh, I
Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
You say I'm crazy
I got you crazy
You're nothing but a
Maybe if
We both lived in a
Different world
It would be all good
And maybe I could be your girl
But I can't
'Cause we don't
Womanizer, woman-womanizer
You're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh
You're a womanizer, baby
You, you, you are
You, you, you are
Womanizer, womanizer
Boy don't try to front, uh, I
Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
Boy don't try to front, uh, I
Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
You got me going
You're oh so charming
But I can't do it
You womanizer
Boy don't try to front, uh, I
Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
Boy don't try to front, uh, I
Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
You say I'm crazy
I got you crazy
You're nothing but a
Boy don't try to front, uh, I
Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
Boy don't try to front, uh, I
Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
Womanizer, woman-womanizer
You're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh
You're a womanizer, baby
Posted by chikenPox at 5:09:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sleek and super cool, Jet Black sets you apart in striking style. Its glassy lustre and luminous trim add sparkle to your fashion statement while the multicolour LED and touch sensor make you glow with pleasure. Enjoy the appealing 14.1-inch Clear Bright LCD Lite and handy built-in camera.
Suggested Retail Price
RM 3,988.00
Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor P8400 (2.26 GHz)
Genuine Windows Vista® Home Premium
14.1" WXGA display (1280 x 800)
Built-in 1.3 megapixel camera: MOTION EYE
Intuitive Operation: Touch Sensor
Touch and Feel: Glowing Luminous LED
Operating System
Operating System
Genuine windows Vista® Home Premium (English Version) with Service Pack 1 (Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese Language Pack)
Processor Technology
Intel® Centrino® 2 Processor Technology
Processor Name
Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor P8400 (2.26 GHz)*1*2
Network Connection
Intel® WiFi Link 5100
Mobile Intel® PM45 Express Chipset
Processor System Bus
1066 MHz
Memory Bus
800 MHz
Cache Memory
3 MB
Main Memory
2 GB DDR2 SDRAM *3*4
SO-DIMM slots
2 SO-DIMM slots (The pre-installed memory module uses one)
Hard Disk Drive
Hard Disk Drive
250 GB*5 (Serial ATA, 5400 rpm)
Optical Disc Drive
Maximum Reading Speed
DVD+R: 8x (SL), 6x (DL)/DVD-R: 8x (SL), 6x (DL)/DVD+RW: 8x/DVD-RW: 8x/DVD-ROM: 8x/DVD-RAM: 5x/CD-ROM: 24x/CD-R: 24x/CD-RW: 24x
Maximum Writing Speed
DVD+R: 8x (SL), 6x (DL)/DVD-R: 8x (SL), 6x (DL)DVD+RW: 8x/DVD-RW: 6x/DVD-RAM: 5x/CD-R: 24x/CD-RW: 24x
Graphics Accelerator
NVIDIA® GeForce® 9300M GS notebook graphics processing unit (GPU)
Dedicated Video Memory
128 MB
14.1" wide (WXGA:1280 x 800) TFT Colour display (Clear Bright LCD Lite)
High Speed USB 2.0 x 3
i.LINK(IEEE 1394)
4 pin (S400) x 1
Network (RJ-45)Connector
10Base-T/100Base-TX x 1
Display Output Connector
Analogue RGB, mini D-sub 15 pin x 1
Stereo mini jack x 1
Stereo mini jack x 1
V.92 and V.90 Compliant x 1
Memory Stick Slot
Memory Stick (Standard/Duo Size compatible, MagicGate compatible, Memory Stick PRO compatible, High-speed data transfer compatible)*6
SD Memory Card Slot
SD Memory Card*7(SDHC compatible, MMC compatible)
PC Card Slot
ExpressCard™/34 x 1
x 1
Wireless Connection
Wireless LAN Type
Integrated Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11a/b/g/Draft n*8
Network Connection
Intel® Wireless WiFi Link 5100
Wireless LAN Data Rate
maximum 11 Mbps (802.11b)/54 Mbps (802.11a/g) 300 Mbps (Draft 802.11n)*9
Wireless LAN Frequency
5 GHz (802.11a/Draft n), 2.4 GHz (802.11b/g/Draft n)
Bluetooth standard Ver. 2.1+EDR
Front Side Camera
Effective pixels: 1280 x 1024
Sound Chip
Intel® High Definition Audio compatible , 3D audio (Direct Sound 3D support)
Built-in stereo speakers
Built-in monaural microphone
Keyboard/Input Device
Approx. 18mm key pitch/2mm keystroke , 82 keys
Intelligent Touchpad
Battery Life*10
Bundled Battery
Built-in Bluetooth® unleashes the power of communication by enabling swift wireless data transfer with minimum power consumption. Compatible accessories for enhanced wireless enjoyment include a Bluetooth® mouse, keyboard, and headset.
NVIDIA® GeForce® 9300M
Empowering the ultimate Windows Vista® experience, this GPU has PureVideo® HD technology for breathtaking HD playback, NVIDIA® Quantum Effects™ for dynamic 3D game effects, and DirectX 10 support for amazing graphics display playback and performance.
VGP-BPS13/S Lithium-ion battery: up to 2 hours of use
Optional Long Battery
VGP-BPL13 Lithium-ion battery: up to 4.5 hours of use
Dimensions (WxHxD)
335.8 mm x 29-39.8 mm x 245 mm
2.6 kg (including the supplied battery)
Included Software
AV Entertainment
Windows® Media center SP1
Video Edit/Playback
VAIO Movie Story 1.3, Adobe® Premiere® Elements® 4, VAIO Edit Components 6.4, WinDVD for VAIO 8.0
DVD Creation
Click to Disc 1.2, Click to Disc Editor 1.2
VAIO MusicBox 2.1, SonicStage Mastering Studio 2.6
Still Image/Photo
PMB(Picture Motion Browser) 3.2, Windows® Photo Gallery, Adobe® Photoshop® Elements® 6 (Installer)
Home Network
VAIO Media plus 1.1
Word Processor / Spreadsheet
60-Day Trial Version of Microsoft® Office Professional 2007*11
Roxio Easy Media Creator 10.1, Adobe® Reader® 9, McAfee PC SecurityCenter 90-day Free Trial*12
VAIO Control Center 3.1, VAIO Launcher 2.1, WebCam Companion 2, Magic-i™ Visual Effects
VAIO Recovery Center 1.4, VAIO Update 4.0, VAIO Data Restore Tool 1.0
Supplied Accessories
AC Adaptor
AC Adaptor (VGP-AC19V26)
Lithium-ion battery (VGP-BPS13/S)*13
Posted by chikenPox at 1:27:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Lotus has long been known as a pure enthusiast's car, but with its new 2008 Lotus Exige S 240, the company is showing it hasn't forgotten about taking these vehicles to the streets of your own neighborhood.
The Exige S 240 gets a power bump from 220 horses to 240, hence the name, and a torque increase from 165 pound-feet to 170. Along with this added oomph, Lotus upgraded the clutch plate cover to handle the extra twist, which is expected to be good for 0-to-60 in 4.0 seconds and 100 mph in just under 10 seconds.
Also new for Lotus are variable traction and launch controls. The traction-control system lets you choose from 11 different settings. One through 10 allow you to control slip, one being the least amount, 10 being a bunch, and the 11th setting being traction completely off. The launch control is a cool feature: You must follow a set sequence, like an astronaut preparing for lift-off, then it's foot to the floor, revs hanging at your set rpm limit, a clutch drop, some wheelspin, a bit of tire smoke, and you're gone. Knowing that these cars will see track time, Lotus has designed the suspension to break away/collapse in the event of a crash. This helps minimize if not prevent damage to the aluminum chassis.



The new interior-especially with the optional Touring package ($1600) that includes full leather, added sound insulation, full carpeting, an iPod connection, and a cupholder-is a welcome improvement. A restyled roof scoop now extends to the top of the windshield allowing more air to reach the intercooler, while the aero package on the S 240 creates nearly 100 pounds of downforce at 100 mph.
Paint choices start at $590 and climb to $5100 for the luminescent colors. The limited-slip differential and traction control costs $1750, and the Track pack ($1650) gives you Bilsteins that are adjustable with a single knob.
With the new Exige S 240 Lotus was able to do something many makers simply cannot: They took an already amazing vehicle and made it even better.
Posted by chikenPox at 4:52:00 AM 0 comments
wut is vitamin B17???
Vitamin B17 is the alternative cancer solution!
Vitamin B17 also know Amygdalin or Laetrile, is found in Raw Apricot seeds and many other raw Fruit seeds and, is know to cure cancer!
Vitamin B17 is a big part of Real Natural Alternative Way to Cure or Prevent Cancer!
Vitamin B17 was the subject of great controversy over 35 years ago when some of the world's top scientists claimed that when consumed, the components of the seed make it 100% impossible to develop cancer and will kill existing cancer in most cases.
The pharmaceutical companies pounced on this claim about Vitamin B17 immediately and demanded that the FDA conduct studies about Vitamin B17. The results of these Vitamin B17 studies are found in the book called World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17 by G. Edward Griffin or you may be able to get a copy from the library.
The apricot seed was claimed as the cure for all cancers over 35 years ago becuase of the Vitamin B17 which is also known as Laetrile and Amygdalin and is found in most fruit seeds: primarily apricot seeds.
It was even more strongly claimed that when one eats about 7 apricot seeds per day they can never develop cancer...Just as one can never get scurvy if they eat an orange every day, or pellagra if they have some B vitamins every day.
An Important Fact To Remember:
The pharmaceuticals companies together with the medical establishment pushed the FDA into making it illegal to sell "raw" apricot seeds or the B17 vitamin with information about its effects on cancer. Even to this day, you can't get raw apricot seeds in your health food store, only the sun dried seeds which have all the important enzymes killed off. Pharmaceutical companies only conduct studies on patented chemicals they invent so that at the end of their study, if the drug gets approved, they have sole rights on its sale.(They make back tons more than the mere 250 million that they invested) They never do studies on foods that can't be patented and that can be sold by any supermarket.
The answer to cancer has been known for many years! The information that you're about to read regarding the B17 vitamin will guide you in how you can guarantee a nearly cancer free life or help your body get rid of cancer if you have it
Note: This is just a quick version of the facts found at this web site and in the book "World Without Cancer" by G. Edward Griffin. The book 'World Without Cancer" covers a lot of information on studies that were covered up and great scientists who were arrested when they began telling others about the truth of B17 vitamin. Highly annotated for the serious student who wants to research the information for himself.
This book contains studies on Amygdalin (B17 vitamin , laetrile) that were conducted at the famous cancer institute, Sloan Kettering and covered up. Full explanation of the politics of cancer from Mr. Edward Griffin.
Go through the pages to learn from educated scientists and doctors.
Genesis 1:29And God said, "Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth , and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."
B-17 vitamin is found in most fruit seeds. Its components make it vital for our survival without cancer. Seeds are for everyone to eat. Don't wait and see if you develop cancer to start eating the seeds. Vitamin B17 is found in seeds such as the apple, peach, cherry, grapes, and apricot. It is found in some beans and many grasses such as wheat grass. The hard wooden pit in the middle of the apricot or peach for example, is not supposed to be thrown away. In fact, the wooden shell is actually a strong armor protecting one of the most important foods known to man, the seed.
It is one of the main courses of food in cultures such as the Navajo Indians, the Hunzakuts, the Abkhazians and many more. Cultures such as these have never had a reported case of cancer when eating their traditional foods!
We don't need to make the B17 vitamin seed a main course in our diets, but we do need the equivalent of about seven apricots seeds per day. This will nearly guarantee a cancer free life.
Other foods that contain B17 vitamin are:
Bitter almond
Lima beans
The bitter almond tree has also been banned from the U.S. years ago.
Apricot seeds have the highest content of the B17 vitamin on earth. They are chewable, bitter and a necessity in our diet. Although apricot seeds are bitter, they must be integrated into our diets. They may be added to food or chopped up and swallowed with a teaspoon of honey or applesauce.The seeds may be used in combination with the Laetrile Cancer Therapy.
As a preventative, Dr. Krebs (the scientist who discovered the B17 vitamin) asserts that 7 or more apricot seeds per day will make it impossible to develop cancer in one's life time. One or two of the B17 vitamin tablets (100 mg) is an acceptable supplemental dosage per day.
Stores do not sell "raw" apricot seeds because of the raids the FDA made on those stores with B17 vitamin and the apricot seeds years ago. In nearly all cases when the B17 vitamin is taken in high doses the tumors shrink. Now one is faced with the confusion of staying on the chemotherapy or stopping the chemo, due to the unclearness of what shrunk the cancer. Those that continue on with the chemotherapy have a relatively poor outcome.
To Read B 17 Vitamin Analysis............. Click Here We understand that once an individual is caught in the vacuum cycle of chemotherapy, radiation and operations, it is very difficult to pull away from this higher authority (principalities, prestigious doctors and hospitals) and say "NO" to more chemotherapy.
My friend Jason still has a small tumor in his kidney and would not let Dr. Nagler of Beth Israel Hospital remove his kidney despite his certified "scare" letters sent to his house over and over again. Hundreds of people make the wrong decisions because they were expecting their tumor to disappear. This is one of the things you have to know.
When it shrinks down that's it, start rejoicing and continue on your natural regimen. Do not stop eating the seeds!!!. The tumor doesn't disappear. Most doctors will still see a tumor and continue to give a person chemotherapy (until they're dead) in attempts to make it disappear. Malignant (cancerous) tumors are only a small percentage of the cancer. When the cancer part starts dying off, the tumor only shrinks down the percent that the tumor was cancerous.
In other words
If a kidney tumor is 10 percent cancerous the tumor will shrink down only 10 percent. So if you get a CAT scan, which one should never get (with 6 CAT scans there is over 60% more of a chance of one developing Leukemia; MRI's are much safer as they use magnetic imaging and not radiation) a 10 percent shrinkage will be concluded as "NO CHANGE" by a doctor. If you have cancer and would like some information on how to take the B17 vitamin as well as foods to eat and foods that you should not eat, keep reading. Here are some helpful tips on improving your health and preventing cancer along with using the B17 vitamin.
Let your body get used to the new changes and start everything at a low dosage and gradually build up or you may get sick.
If you do not have cancer and you want to prevent it, eat 7 to 10 apricots seeds daily (start out at a low dosage, such as 1 or 2 at a time and work up to 7 to 10), stay away from refined sugar (sugar feeds cancer), caffeine (very bad for your liver and kidneys), and white flour (easily changed to sugars).
Read your food labels and educate yourself on ingredients that are listed. Try to eat more raw foods and stay away from the processed food. If it has a warning label on it, you know what to do, right?
If you have cancer now, after finishing this page please read the link on the left labeled "Protocol". I have reworded the info here as a short version of what is there.
At least 21 days of the injectable B17 vitamin at 9 grams per day plus up to 6 seeds per hour. Start the seeds at a low dosage (such as 1 or 2 at a time) as they must go through your digestive tract and can cause nausea. The injectable needs to be put into a vein.
Up to eighteen 500 MG tablets per day of B17 vitamin and up to 6 seeds per hour for the seeds and/or tablets (start out with a low dosage and build up).
Your digestive system must have time to accommodate the dosage. Plus there is a pancreatic enzyme that helps breaks down the protein wall around a cancer cell. You can get this enzyme by eating raw organic pineapple or you can order a product called "Megazyme Forte" from the same place you got the seeds. Eat just a helping or so of pineapple per day with the seeds.
Start taking a low dosage of vitamin C every day (about 500 to 1000 MG) and slowly build your way up to 10,000 to 25,000 MG per day. This will take some time to get your body used to such levels so don't be too anxious about getting to the higher dosages right away.
Some symptoms of too high a dose could be:
This does not mean that the product is not working. On the contrary, it means that your body is being detoxified too fast so you need to back off on the dosage. You want to detoxify your body at a slow rate so you won't get the symptoms described above.
Regardless if you have already torn down you immune system with chemo or radiation, you will want to build it up as much as you can. One way to do this is with a product called AHCC. AHCC will help build your immune system up to the level that is needed to fight cancer and other diseases.
Drink a lot of pure water,microwater is the best
Juicing is good for your liver. You can get some beets and juice them with other vegetables. It is very important that you start slow on this as it could make you feel sick at first. Drink a small amount at first (such as 1/4 cup) and slowly build up to higher amounts. The beet juice will cause your liver to dump toxins into your system as it is a very good liver cleanse. A lot ( about 8 to 10 eight ounce glasses of water per day) of pure micro water will help you rinse the toxins out. Foods you should NOT eat:
Refined sugar (sugar feeds cancer: use Stevia instead), caffeine (very bad for your liver and kidneys), white flour (easily changed to sugars), and try to eat very little meat during this time. You can have meat but meat takes away from the digestive enzymes that help tear down the protein wall that is around the cancer cell.
As for anything new that you do or take,such as B17 vitamin: always start out at a low dosage and build your way up. That way you can monitor what your body is telling you. Now if you feel sick when you start doing any of these things that you have never done,like taking B17 vitamin, it does not mean it is not working. It may be that you are taking too much too fast. Some natural products will detoxify your system and if you do it too fast, it can make you feel sick, (flu like symptoms). Just reduce the dosages of the B17 vitamin you are doing for awhile and slowly increase from that point.
Posted by chikenPox at 1:25:00 AM 0 comments
sotong goreng tepong...yummy.. ;)
Bahan-bahan ( 3-4 orang )
300 gm sotong
1 cawan tepung gandum
1 sk baking powder
1 biji telur
sedikit garam
lada sulah
Potong sotong kecil2, bersihkan dan toskan airnya biar sampai kering.
Gaul sotong dgn sedikit garam dan lada sulah.
Pukul telur setakat nak satukan yg kuning dgn yg putih jer. Masukkan sotong ke dalam telur. Ketepikan
Gaul tepung dgn bp. Masukkan sotong yg telah digaul dgn telur dalam tepung, salutkan habis sotong dgn tepung. Kalu nak pedas boleh letak sikit serbuk kari dalam tepung.
Goreng deep fry sampai golden brown. Goreng sotong kejap jer dalam 4-5 min kalau tak nanti sotong keras and liat pulak.
Posted by chikenPox at 1:17:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
tips bg sesape y memerlukan pertolongan...bile partner merajok.eheee ;)
Kenapa merajuk?
Sebelum kita mengetahui cara untuk memujuk ini, kita harus tahu apakah menyebabkan seseorang itu merajuk. Seseorang itu merajuk disebabkan atas beberapa sebab.
1. Cemburu
Ya, ini merupakan faktor utama kenapa si Dia merajuk. Dia cemburu disebabkan ada sesuatu yang cuba mengambil anda dari dirinya. Seperti kawan-kawan, pekerjaan, keluarga dan sebagainya.
2. Tidak dapat apa yang diinginkanSi Dia menginginkan sesuatu dari anda, tetapi anda tidak memberikannya. Sebagai contoh, Si Dia ingin memakan roti canai (kenapa pasal roti canai pulak ni?), tetapi anda tidak mahu, dan anda ingin makan benda lain. Jadi, si Dia pun merajuk sebab dia hendak jugak makan roti canai. Payah jugak ni.
3. Orang lain lebih hebat dari diaAdakalanya dia akan merajuk untuk mendapatkan perhatian dari anda. Dan kadangkala, si Dia merajuk disebabkan ada sesuatu yang membuatkan dia berasa marah dan tidak selesa. Untuk mengubat perasaan dia itu, dia perlukan anda disamping dirinya tetapi dengan cara yang sangat berbeza — merajuk.
Bagaimana nak pujuk?
Ok. Sekarang ini kita sudah mengetahui sebab kenapa si Dia boleh merajuk. Dan sekarang bagaimanakah cara untuk memujuknya. Diingatkan, tips-tips ini bukan langkah-langkah untuk memujuk, cuma sebagai panduan atau tips sahaja.
1. Terangkan perkara sebenarAdalah lebih mudah berkata benar dari berdusta. Ceritakan kepada si Dia apa yang berlaku pada anda dan tanya pada si Dia kenapa dia merajuk. Berterus teranglah (baca tentang 5 Tips Dalam Berpasangan) dalam perhubungan anda. Janganlah berselindung. Dengan mengwujudkan budaya bertanya dan berkata benar ini, dapat mengeratkan perhubungan kerana, anda mengambil berat si Dia. Ini juga bermaksud anda menunjukkan bahawa anda menyayangi dia.
2. Bertolak ansurlah dan bijak dalam membuat keputusanMemang sukar untuk kita bertolak ansur tetapi tidak bermakna kita kalah sekiranya kita mengalah. Dalam situasi sebegini, anda haruslah bijak dalam membuat sesuatu keputusan. Sekiranya si Dia merajuk dan anda tidak berjaya memujuknya, gunakan gaya anda yang tersendiri dalam memujuk hatinya. Dengan ini, anda kelihatan bijak dalam membuat keputusan.
3. Ucapkan kata-kata “manis”Manis tidak semestinya manis bukan? Ketika si Dia tengah merajuk, cuba anda bergurau senda dengan dia dengan menggelarkan si Dia, “bucuk”, “comot”, “manje” dan sebagainya. Dalam pada itu, selit-selitkan ayat-ayat power anda dalam perbualan tetapi masih mengekalkan perkataan-perkataan manis seperti yang saya sebutkan tadi. Adalah amat kelakar bagi saya sehinggakan saya pun sedang tersengih pada ketika ini.
4. Nyanyikan lagu buatnyaHa…tips ini merupakan bagi saya tips yang paling ultimate. Kalau ditanya, berapa ramai yang sanggup nyanyi untuk kekasihnya? Pernah tak anda menyanyikan lagu untuk kekasih anda? Mungkin jawapannya ramai yang mengatakan tidak. Tetapi, saya pernah. Saya tidak berkata bohong. Saya pernah dendangkan lagu kepada kekasih saya. Dan kami siap berkaraoke di dalam phone lagi. Kami berduet bersama-sama. Adakah si Dia akan tersenyum dan ketawa? Sudah pasti ya. Kerana dapat mendengar suara buah hatinya menghiburkan dirinya. Tidakkah ianya menggembirakan? Sudah pasti senyuman terukir di bibirnya.
Seperti yang saya katakan tadi, tips-tips ini bukanya langkah-langkah tetapi merupakan panduan bagi anda dalam memujuk pasangan anda. Mungkin ada di antara tips ini tidak sesuai dilakukan kepada pasangan anda tetapi tips ini mungkin berjaya membuatkan si Dia tersenyum.
Sekiranya anda mempunyai tips-tips tambahan, anda boleh berkongsi dengan kami dalam ruangan Ungkapan Cinta di bawah. Semoga si Dia tersenyum kembali!
Posted by chikenPox at 4:22:00 PM 0 comments
ahaahaa...cube anda renungkan...hmmmm...
Langkah si dia cuba mendekatimu…
- si dia membelanja anda makan @ minum…
- si dia ingin meminjam sesuatu dr anda atau meminta bantuan anda..langkah ini membuatkn si dia berasa dekat dgn anda.
si dia mengajak anda menemaninya bersiar-siar & membeli belah yg mana langkah ini akn membuatkn anda menerima si dia..
si dia mula bertanya kn tentang keluarga anda & dlm masa yg sama si dia akan bercerita tntang keluarga nya. Topik ini secara tidak lgsg akan merapatkan lagi hubungan anda berdua kerana anda berdua sudah saling mengetahui tentang diri masing2.
si dia akn sentiasa bertanya khabar tentang anda..dengan ini anda tentunya akan berasa lebih disayangi..
si dia akan memberikan anda hadiah istimewa. Ini menandakan si dia ingin melanjutkan hubungan yang lebih dr seorang rakan.
si dia mula melayan anda seperti anda kekasihnya. Setiap kata-katanya juga adalah kata sayang & cinta..
Teruskan hubungan dengan si dia jika…
si dia x tergopoh gapah utk menjalinkn hubungan dgn anda secara serius di mana si dia akan mendekati anda dengan sabar & x tergopoh gapah.
si dia sering mengambil berat tentang anda termasuklah tentang kesihatan,makan,minum & setiap apa yg anda lakukan.
si dia sentiasa membantu anda tidah kira apa jua pertolongan yg anda perlukan.
si dia x berkira walaupun anda & dia bru berkenalan, si dia tidak kisah membelanjakan wangnya untuk anda.
si dia sentiasa ingin menggembirakan anda dan tidak akan membebankan anda dengan masalah-masalahnya. Si dia ingin sentiasa bersama anda dengan memberikan kenangan yang indah.
si dia tidak berahsia tentang pengenalan dirinya,tempat tinggal & nombor telefon agar hubungan anda & si dia tidak berakhir di situ shaja.
si dia berterus terang tentang status nya sama asa si dia pernah ada teman istimewa @ si dia sememangnya single.Si dia juga tidak kisah anda membaca sms @ membantunya menjawab panggilan telefon menandakan katanya adalah benar.
apabila ada masa terluang,dia pasti akan menghubungi anda & memberitahu anda tentang aktiviti nya.
Hati2 dengan si dia jika…
si dia terlalu cepat memberitahu anda bahawa si dia ingin menjalinkan hubungan serius dengan anda. Misalnya baru 3 hari sudah bercakap soal cinta & sayang.. Nampk mcm penipu je kn…?
mulut kata sayang & cinta tetapi tidak pernah mengambil berat soal anda malah bersikap mementingkan diri pula.
ada sahaja alasannya apabila anda meminta pertolongan. Sekiranya dia menolong skalipun hanya lah buat secara ala kadar sahaja untuk mengambil hati anda.
agak berkira sedikit dalam soal kewangan. Wlaupun masing2 telahbekerja namun apabila keluar makan bersama, hari ini si dia belanja anda namu, dia mula mengharapkan anda pula membelanja nya keesokan harinya..
si dia mengajak anda melakukan perkara yang si dia suka sahaja tanpa mempedulikan anda suka atau tidak apa yang dilakukannya.Jika anda tidak menyukai aktiviti yang akan dilakukan bersamanya,si dia tetap memaksa anda mengikutnya.
si dia cuba mengelak jika ditanya tentang alamat rumah dan hanya memberitahu secara umum sahaja. Begitu juga sekiranaya anda mahu tahu nombor telefon rumah & nombor telefon nya yg lain untuk dihubungi, si dia sama sekali tidak akan memberinya. Jika ikhlas, mengapa perlu berselindung..?
si dia tidak pernah menceritakan tentang status dirinya. Apabila ditanya si dia akan berkata ” saya mana ada gf..siapalah yang hendakkan saya”. Tetapi telefonnya tidak pernah berhenti dr menerima panggilan @ sms. Si dia akan merampas telefon cepat2 jika anda cuba membantunya menjawab panggilan telefon @ membaca sms.Selepas itu,setiap kali bersama anda,telefonnya akan dimatikan.. Faham2 je la…
si dia jarang menghubungi anda apabila tidak bersama anda dan memberi alasan sibuk untuk tidak keluar bersama anda.
Posted by chikenPox at 4:07:00 PM 0 comments